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FLASS scholars awarded funding from GRF & ECS (2021/22)

Congratulations to seven FLASS scholars who have been awarded funding from the General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) (2021/22). Totaling around HK$3.6 million this year, the seven projects are under the subject disciplines of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Education, and Mathematics. Five of these seven projects have been funded by GRF and two by ECS. They are:
General Research Fund 
  Principal Investigator (Department) Project Title Awarded Amount
Subject Discipline: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Dr Pei Qing (SSC) Climate Change and Agrarian-nomadic Migration across the Great Wall during the Little Ice Age 632,959
Subject Discipline: Humanities and Arts
Dr Chan Man-ho (SES) A Multi-disciplinary Study of the Multiverse Hypothesis 294,009
Dr Matsunobu Koji (CCA) The Japanese Shakuhachi or Chinese Chiba?
Investigating the Modern Shakuhachi in China
Subject Discipline: Education
Dr Sun Daner (MIT) Preparation for Post Pandemic Society: Providing Technology-Supported Adaptive Scaffoldings for Students with Mathematics Learning Difficulties in Hong Kong Primary Schools 586,987
Subject Discipline: Mathematics
Dr Anthony Suen Chun-kit (MIT) Asymptotic Behavior and Anomalous Dissipation of a General Class of Forced Active Scalar Equations 598,015
Subject Discipline: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Pei Qing (SSC)
Project Title Climate Change and Agrarian-nomadic Migration across the Great Wall during the Little Ice Age
Awarded Amount (HK$) 632,959
Subject Discipline: Humanities and Arts
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Chan Man-ho (SES)
Project Title A Multi-disciplinary Study of the Multiverse Hypothesis
Awarded Amount (HK$) 294,009
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Matsunobu Koji (CCA)
Project Title The Japanese Shakuhachi or Chinese Chiba? Investigating the Modern Shakuhachi in China
Awarded Amount (HK$) 319,209
Subject Discipline: Education
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Sun Daner (MIT)
Project Title Preparation for Post Pandemic Society: Providing Technology-Supported Adaptive Scaffoldings for Students with Mathematics Learning Difficulties in Hong Kong Primary Schools
Awarded Amount (HK$) 586,987
Subject Discipline: Mathematics
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Anthony Suen Chun-kit (MIT)
Project Title Asymptotic Behavior and Anomalous Dissipation of a General Class of Forced Active Scalar Equations
Awarded Amount (HK$) 598,015


Early Career Scheme


  Principal Investigator (Department) Project Title Awarded Amount
Subject Discipline: Education
Dr Gary Chow Chi-ching (HPE) Online SDT Informed Intervention Motivates Children to Exercise at Home: A RCT Study 685,964
Dr Zhang Qiaoping (MIT) Shaping Students' Lived Space of Mathematics Learning: How Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Values Affect Their Teaching 505,000
Subject Discipline: Education
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Gary Chow Chi-ching (HPE)
Project Title Online SDT Informed Intervention Motivates Children to Exercise at Home: A RCT Study
Awarded Amount (HK$) 685,964
Principal Investigator (Department) Dr Zhang Qiaoping (MIT)
Project Title Shaping Students' Lived Space of Mathematics Learning: How Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Values Affect Their Teaching
Awarded Amount (HK$) 505,000